The installation of a Golf Ball Launch Monitor
With the launch monitor golf ball Zelocity provided, students will have the best chance of improving their lesson as productive as possible. Launch of golf ball are able to monitor power transfer ratio, ball speed, clubhead speed, distance, carry distance, ball spin rate and launch angle to be pursued. Separate yourself from other trainers in your area, quantifying the results with students. In addition, you will see, to increase your income! Launch purepure pure contact and flight Zelocity the three products.
One might ask: "What are the advantages of using a golf ball launch monitor your students?" Benefits include:
• To test the results of the swing adjustments that were made, it is possible to quantify the results of his intervention.
• For teaching and lecturing in the series, you and your students track their improvement.
• A golf ball launch monitor will assist you in creatingmore lessons. Students must be able to see where he's teaching as a learning experience dynamic and interactive. Students will be real-time feedback on each swing, to make them enjoy.
You can earn more revenue through the implementation of a Golf Ball Launch Monitor Zelocity:
Instructors · have increased the frequency for the use of golf lesson Zelocity ball launch monitor technology.
• Creation of reports as gapping and consistencyReports, metrics, and luggage tags meeting, have created a new fee structure, teacher.
• The courses are renting the launch pure, pure, pure contact units for students to flight training unit operator or the golf tours and corporate golf events Zelocity business.
To promote the use of pure launch by the number of clubs which in turn taps to improve the golf club sales.
The golf ball launch monitor models from Zelocity, thepure air pure and the launch you and your students to:
· Track to improve your golf swing by students the opportunity to establish an initial assessment of skills.
• The accumulated calculations will verify that the equipment, if the student is in line with the students playing ability.
• Students can hone their short game and distance control and consistency of their master 1 / 2 and 3 / 4 wedge shots with the golf ball launch Zelocitymonitored.
• Students will be able, on their remote control and consistency with their drivers and their iron gapping properly to improve their clubs.
• With the information to identify areas for improvement with the students.
· Track to improve the contact the students' with the ball as well as the strength of the hit efficiency in almost every club in your bag.
• Enter your name, of course, plays the extra lessonsThe contact with the flight course of lectures for the pure-play and a better understanding of course management.
• For the club head at impact to help Relate to real flight of the ball, your students better understand this statement.
Golf Ball Launch Monitor Zelocity offers more features:
• Use the monitor ball flight at home or outdoors in all weather conditions.
• Use products Zelocity natural grass driving range mats.
·Zelocity devices work with rechargeable batteries or AC power.
• The units are only 20-420 meters.
• All units can be used and adjustments are not required, as you move to another club in the golf swing right or left.
• Integration with video systems Swinganalyser
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